Tag: Latin America

News on East-Timor

Carlos Felipe Jaramillo

Argentina receives 2 billion US$ in World bank Financial Support

Social Protection and Education in what once was the 7th richest country on earth eyeson..project Amsterdam, 23 october 2024– Carlos Felipe Jaramillo, World Bank’s (WB) Vice President announced Tuesday on several social media as well as on the website of the Bank, that his entity was “ready to accompany Argentina with more than US$ 2 billion…
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Brazil Creates New National Climate Authority

the eyesproject Amsterdam, 11 september 2024– According to the Brazilian News Agency Agencia Brasil, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva announced the intention to create a National Climate Authority.  The new agency’s mission would be to deal with extreme natural phenomena.  Lula made these remarks in Manaus before dozens of environmental experts, as 61 of…
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Suriname Possible Key Player in global oil and gas development

Suriname Possible Key Player in Global Oil and Gas Development

So is neighbour Guyana eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, August 3rd, 2024– There is a very strong possibility Suriname could become a strong and pivotal oil and gas development player the coming years. With the potential to significantly influence global energy dynamics, according to Mr. Patrick Jelinek, a well known source in the Oil and Gas environment. According to  Mr. Patrick Jelinek, the cards Guyana holds at this point of the game are so strong it’s difficult…
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